Thursday, January 6, 2011

Close Your Mouth America

I was recently informed by an Asian friend that my blog was too serious. So I have decided to make a new blog. But I don't understand how I can make a less serious blog...

...when I am SERIOUSLY upset some stranger burped in my mouth yesterday.

It's no laughing matter. I have decided to now start a non-profit campaign, called "Close Your Mouth America: People are Suffering" Please feel free to donate, all proceeds will go to my recovery and all other victims of this selfish crime.

Rumor has it Gloria Allred may join this tragic cause.

Every 3 minutes someone burps in America, and every 120 minutes one of those burps lands in someone else's mouth. Take a stand today,

Thank you.

Macy Victoria.


  1. Can I start a cause for unannounced "farts". Can you help me? Your brothers will be charter members.

  2. brilliant. you should notify clarissa for support, and ill put on my cheer skirt for the rallies. i know it's not really the same kind of rally but i miss the skirt and you could use the diversity.
