Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year Everybody!

In honor of the Chinese New Year...

I have decided to blog about a very interesting topic:

Bad Drivers.

And no I am not talking to the ASIAN population (as appropriate as it is on this celebrated new year)

I am talking to you, UTAHNS.

Everyday that I commute to school is a trial of faith, patience and the use of appropriate language. Everytime I drive the 1-15, I lose hope in the intellect of the human race. Break the cycle UTAHNS. Discover that it BENEFITS you to work together with other cars and be aware of other people on the road besides yourself, I promise.

For those that think UTAH drivers are not that bad- This placed this hidden camera in a local Utah parking lot to prove my point: (You have to watch the whole thing to appreciate the chaos.)

I hope everyone makes a Chinese New Years Resolution this year to drive just a little better.

Macy Victoria


  1. Oh that is hilarious. I am with you MV. I know, grew up in Utah but I have lived in NYC, Chicago, LA and SF (as have you. Those places are crowded and there is no room for road hogs. It is not that the Utah driver is lacking in skills, it is the Utah driver's sense of entitlement to the road. There is absolutely no cooperation or effort by the Utah driver to accommodate or cooperate with others.

  2. MACY! Remember when you wrote on your blog and made the world smile with your hilarity. Let's bring that girl back to the Blogger's reality.
